For the Performing Arts, Inc.
The Minty Organization

Become a Sponsor of
The Minty Awards
The 2024 Minty Awards will take place on Sunday, June 2nd at the St. George Theatre. We are planning a celebration full of performances and awards as we celebrate 60 years of high school musical theatre on Staten Island.
As we enter our thirteenth year, our purpose goes unchanged. We will uphold the tradition to honor the talents of the performers while promoting their schools, their dramatic arts programs, and all who support them. We believe that these students and schools provide excellent examples of self-discipline, teamwork, and talent which their families, friends, and community should celebrate.
All sponsorships and ads are 100% tax deductible.
Minty Awards Journal Ads
$350 Back Cover
Limit 1 (0 Remaining)
$25o Inside Covers
Limit 2 (0 Remaining)
$150 One-Full Page Ad
$100 One-Half Page Ad
$50 One-Quarter Page Ad
$25 Booster (25 words maximum)
All journal artwork is to be emailed in camera-ready form by May 24 to MintyAwards@Mintys.org.
Minty Awards Sponsorships
$1000 Co-Sponsor
Official Co-Sponsor Billing on all Publicity Materials
Logo Appears on "Step & Repeat"
6 Tickets to The Minty Awards
Stage Recognition at The Minty Awards
One Full Page Ad
$500 Platinum Sponsor
4 Tickets to The Minty Awards
Stage Recognition at The Minty Awards
One Full Page Ad
$250 Gold Sponsor
2 Tickets to The Minty Awards
Stage Recognition at The Minty Awards
One Full Page Ad
$100 Silver Sponsor
$50 Patron of the Arts
All sponsors will be listed in our Minty Awards Program regardless of the amount donated.